Thursday 4 October 2012

3 little things

 It's been back to earth with a heavy bump over here in the 'Land of the Morning Calm'. 

The Chuseok holiday is finished and the mundanities of life have folded back in around, bills, grocery shopping....with a few moments of bliss thrown in here and there.

I have to remind myself daily to keep my eye open and recognize these moments or things, little though they may be, that distract me from the stress and the humdrum and prompt me to stop and appreciate the simple goodness that can make a gal forget herself and just be happy.

Here are those 3 little things:

1. Frozen grapes

You can forget me eating the regular room-temperature version of these Korean grapes. The ones where you have to peel off the leathery skin and spit bullet hard seeds through your teeth like a cowboy. And they're always presented to you buy a Korean co-worker or friend like they are such a treat. No thank you!
However put those bad boys in the freezer overnight and then your talking.
 Dallas introduced me to these juicy, frosty, lush on the inside and  tastier-than-ice cream snacks recently and I am hooked.
I could eat these by the punnet, they really are that good!

2. The Korean Times Crossword puzzle

Now this and my number one little thing go together like peas and carrots.
I love to find a corner and curl up with a bowl of finger food and the crossword....and usually end up tearing my hair out a little!
Lucky our friends do the same one so we can meet up and compare puzzles across bar tables like nerds ^^

3. Sock weather

Did someone say nerd?
Not only does the Fall chilliness signify moccasin and cardigan time for me.... one of the best things about Korea is their apparent sock obsession. You can buy any design/color/ pattern for less than 2 bucks and they have a pretty impressive array come sock weather time....once you've waded through the Hello Kitty and Pororos ^^
 I got more than a little excited when I picked up these lovely reindeer & geometric patterned pairs at the subways station market the other day.
Now I can have socks-y feet all of this Fall!

Did you like my sock pun?
Did I just ruin it by asking?

What 3 little things are keeping you chipper this week?

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